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Capital Withdrawal

MT5 Solution is a reputable company that operates on the Trading software, a robust platform that serves as a comprehensive database for trading accounts in the financial market. Regardless of the specific trading platform utilized by our esteemed clients, their account information is securely stored within the Trading software.

At MT5 Solution, we pride ourselves on being a leading service provider for Trading Software. Our primary focus lies in delivering three essential services: data protection, investigation, and capital withdrawal procedures.

Should any of our valued customers encounter issues pertaining to their trading accounts, such as difficulties accessing funds, withdrawal complications, account lockouts, or any technical glitches related to their accounts, we encourage them to promptly reach out to our dedicated MT5 Solution. Acting as a mediator platform, we are committed to assisting customers in gaining seamless access to their accounts within the financial market.

Procedure to Gain Access to Your Account and Initiate the Withdrawal Process:

  1. To begin, kindly request to be contacted by a representative from the MT5 Solution through one of the following methods:

– Call the designated hotline and seek assistance.

– Email the official MT5 Solution email address.

– Fill out an enquiry field, and a representative from the MT5 Solution will contact you promptly.

  1. Once you have been contacted by an MT5 Solution representative, you will need to authenticate yourself within the Trading software database:

– Fill out the Sign-Up field, providing the following information: your name, surname, email, mobile number, password, confirmation of the password, and an authentication document.

– Upon signing up, the system will automatically search for your account in the financial market and grant you access to it.

During the authentication process, please carefully follow the instructions provided by the MT5 Solution representative. Exercise caution when entering your information into the Sign Up field and pay close attention to the instructions given by the MT5 representative.

  1. The Account Activation procedure requires customers to make a minimum deposit of $250. This deposit serves as the account owner’s initial investment to access their funds in the financial market and cover service fees.

– Please adhere to the instructions provided by the MT5 Solution representative during the account activation process.

– Exercise caution when making the $250 deposit. Our highly skilled representatives are available to guide you through the account activation process.

  1. Once your account has been successfully activated, you will be directed to the Withdrawing Department to initiate the procedure for withdrawing your funds from the financial market.

Please note that our team of professionals is committed to providing you with the necessary guidance and support throughout the entire account access and withdrawal process.


During the withdrawal process, once the funds have been smoothly transferred to the designated account, a nominal service fee of 6% of the transferred amount will be applicable. It is crucial to comprehend that MT5 Solution cannot be held responsible for any account-related difficulties. Additionally, we do not assume any liability for any additional payments made by intermediary companies or authorities.

Submit an enquiry

Understand the process and make an informed decision about engaging MT5 Solution. Complete our enquiry form and get started with your investigation.

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MT5 Solution has an extensive array of integrated services with one objective

Data Protection

